On December 4, 2022, a major data breach leaked important information about the Call of Duty franchise. The legitimacy of the same was verified recently by Insider Gaming, confirming various plans for the future of Modern Warfare 2 as well as the codenames of the successors in the franchise.
Call of Duty 2023 is reportedly codenamed 'Jupiter' and the 2024 title is codenamed 'Cerberus.' The information was leaked after an HR employee at Activision fell for a phishing attempt, which led to the hacker gaining access to sensitive data.
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will reportedly support Call of Duty 2024
Based on multiple reports from last year, Modern Warfare 2 was supposed to follow a two-year cycle which would have been the first of the franchise as it would mean that there will be no new title in 2023. However, Activision's latest earnings call reports that the company plans to release a "premium" title in 2023.
Previously, rumors suggested that the franchise would stop supporting the previous generation of consoles after the release of the 2023 title. However, this information is supposedly outdated after the Activision data leak, according to which, the 2024 title will also be released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and One X|S.
Readers should take this news with a hint of salt as it is part of a report from December 4, 2022, and Activision could have changed its plans by now. If it's true, this change could have been made after the decision to release the "premium" title in 2023 instead of a two-year cycle for Modern Warfare 2 and releasing the next Call of Duty title in 2024.
Another reason behind this decision could be related to Nintendo signing a 10-year deal with Microsoft, which will bring the Call of Duty franchise to the platform. Since no new Nintendo console is to be released soon, the next title will likely be released on the Switch, which will require a major downgrade in terms of graphics for the game to run stably on the handheld console.
As it will be released on a last-gen console, the Switch, there is no reason for Activision to not port it to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well.
There has been no official word from the publishers on Project Jupiter and Project Cerberus yet. However, more leaks for the same can be expected as time goes on. Currently, the second season of Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 has been released and it is unlikely that Activision will steer away from marketing the season to announce the next Call of Duty title anytime soon.
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