Monomials Calculator

Evaluate the following monomial:


Evaluate inside parentheses

Take each piece of 6xy3, and raise it to 4

Piece 1

64 = 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1296

Piece 2

(xy3)4 = xy(3 x 4) = xy12

Piece together our answer:

(6xy3)4 = 1296xy12

Final Answer:


What is the Answer?


How does the Monomials Calculator work?

Free Monomials Calculator - This calculator will raise a monomial to a power,multiply monomials, or divide monomials.
This calculator has 3 inputs.

What 6 formulas are used for the Monomials Calculator?

mxa + nxa = (m + n)xa
mxa - nxa = (m - n)xa
(xm)n = xm * n
xm * xn = xm + n
xm/xn = xm - n

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 5 concepts are covered in the Monomials Calculator?

constanta value that always assumes the same value independent of how its parameters are variedexponentThe power to raise a numbermonomiala polynomial which has only one term. Constants and variables are monomials as well as one term polynomialspowerhow many times to use the number in a multiplicationvariableAlphabetic character representing a number

Example calculations for the Monomials Calculator

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