Nick Jonas Releases His New Single "Find You" And It's Perfect

Ever since Nick Jonas released the bop that was, “Remember I Told You,” back in May, his dedicated army of fans have been desperate for him to release more new music. Months flew by and all seemed quiet on the music front but then, “Find You,” was announced and the world made sense again.

Fast forward to today and, “Find You,” has dropped. That’s right, there is now a brand new Nick Jonas single out in the universe and it is everything we needed and more.

Nick Jonas x Find You

Some lucky fans got a head start on hearing the new track after the superstar performed it live on the Manhattan Bridge last month but the short clips of it that swirled around the internet following his pop-up performance didn’t do it justice at all.

The song is perfect and we think it is an incredible introduction to this new chapter, which is hopefully going to include a full length album. Not that we’re greedy or anything but we just can’t get enough of Nick Jonas!

We already adore, “Find You,” and we can definitely picture it climbing the charts over the coming weeks, but we want to let you make your own mind up about it. So here it is:

Those guitar sounds combined with Nick’s distinctive vocals are simply heavenly.

You can also purchase the song on iTunes by clicking right here.

According to Republic Records, “Find You,” is available everywhere right now, and then it is due to impact on pop radio on 19th September so make sure to listen out for it.

We can’t tell what is more amazing, Nick’s new track or the hot pictures he posted to his Instagram page to tease it in the days leading up to its release… No seriously, they were hot. He was in a desert. Honestly, we are sweating just looking at them on our computer screen!

Now while we go and try our best to cool down, why don’t you scroll back up and listen to, “Find You,” a few more times? We’re definitely going to have it on repeat all day long.

What do you think of Nick Jonas’ new single? Let us know on Twitter at, @CelebMix.
